Diversity in Wine Leadership Forum Resources

Resources provided by the Diversity in Wine Leadership Forum are continuously updated. Many resources are reflective of our conversations with organizations and their ongoing needs.

What it means to be an Ally…


An Ally is someone who advocates for diversity and equity through their work, their friendships, and their communities. Allies collaborate in order to build strategies for lifelong commitment and change.

The goal of being an ally for diversity and equity work is to help identify and remove obstacles to success, increase access to opportunities and resources for success, and to not only include but welcome people of diverse backgrounds and experiences into the workplace.

Being an ally starts with expanding the conversation – who gets to speak and is heard. But ultimately the goal of being an ally is to help expand and change who has access to opportunities and resources, and how readily.

Where to begin…


To begin collaborating with diversity and equity initiatives, contact organizations directly and ask how you can be of assistance. Be prepared to support the needs organization leaders already know they have rather than attempting to create new solutions. Doing so respects the leaders’ expertise in the efforts of their organization as well as the needs of the communities with which they engage.

For businesses, being an ally means making diversity and equity initiatives part of your business plan. Integrate a commitment to diversity and equity efforts into the overall structure and specific initiatives of your company. For individuals, being an ally is a way of life.

Genuine change happens over time. Missteps will happen. Get started anyway.

How to help…



Contact organizations directly and donate to their efforts. You can donate as an individual or as a company. Many organization websites have a donate button making contributing to their cause easier.


Contact organizations directly to discuss how your business or organization might be able to build solutions together. Collaborations can take the form of outside sponsorships, project partnerships, or the co-creation of new initiatives that can serve multiple needs.


Keep the conversation going. Your connections can help organizations expand their support network. Provide connections that can help the interests of the individual organizations.


Contact organizations directly to inquire about how you can help. Offer your expert skill set for a project. Offer one-time or ongoing assistance depending on your ability and their need. Organizations have particular needs that may benefit from you offering your skills in service of their efforts.


When you find an organization you want to support, spread the word. Share their information with others. When they have events or new initiatives let people know. Help expand awareness of these efforts in your workplace, friendships, online and in person communities.

Our Mission

The Diversity in Wine Leadership Forum brings together leaders of organizations with a core commitment to equity and diversity in the wine industry to act as a collaborative resource for support, discussion and positive change. Such collaboration is done with the recognition that change can only occur over time through intentional, ongoing commitment. The Forum also acts as a central resource for the wine community and its supporters to connect, support, and work with these organizations.